Obama bows to the King of Saudi Arabia, warns N. Korea

Well, Here’s President Obama bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia while mooning the United State of America.  (Is he bowing or kissing his ring?) Someone made a comment that maybe the Teleprompter is at the King’s feet.


He apologizes for the United States and calls us “arrogant.”  This brings to mind the “nation of cowards” and the “God damn, America” comments of his friends and mentors.

And the U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday sent a public warning to North Korea, calling on Pyongyang to back off plans to launch what the United States believes to be a missile.

He calls their missile launch “provocative.”  And to quote:

“Should North Korea decide to take this action, we will work uh with all interested parties in the international community to take appropriate steps uh to let North Korea know that uh it can’t uh threaten the safety and security of uh other countries with impunity,” the president said at a news conference in the French city of Strasbourg.”

Okay.  I am sure we have nothing further to worry about and that the North Koreans immediately stopped the launch.  Right?  Right.

Just please come on home, Mr. President.

Maybe someone will just lock him in the Oval Office and give him a carton of cigarettes.

Posted:  04.04.09


Filed under Barack Obama, Human Interest, Humor, patriotism, politics, President Barack Obama, Uncategorized

22 responses to “Obama bows to the King of Saudi Arabia, warns N. Korea

  1. djcnor

    So what? Obama knew the proper greeting within the culture of the person he was greeting. And Michelle kissed cheeks, thought she might not do that at home. It’s a gesture that costs neither Obama or the US anything at all and one with the potential of building good will.

    Me, I’m in England, and I can tell you that Obama’s visit to Europe is a huge success.


  2. bellalu0

    Now, there’s a idea. He would make a great King of England.

    As far as the culture goes, he may have messed up there, too.

    “”Reuters reported September 11, 2005:

    Saudi Arabia’s new King Abdullah has ordered citizens not to kiss his hand, saying the traditional gesture of respect is degrading and violates Islam, Saudi newspapers reported on Sunday.

    “Kissing hands is alien to our values and morals, and is not accepted by free and noble souls,” Abdullah told a delegation from Al-Baha, in southwest Saudi Arabia, who came to the royal palace to offer congratulations on his accession.

    “It also leads to bowing, which is a violation of God’s law. The faithful bow to no one but God.”””


  3. djcnor

    And Obama is not one of the faithful.

    But in any case, believe me, it is a distraction, not something anybody should get concerned about.


  4. bellalu0

    You have a point there.

    Notice it’s under the “Humor” category.


  5. This gesture is reserved for the King’s subjects. The President of the U.S. is not supposed to BOW DOWN to any foreign leader this isn’t rocket science. Obama does not get to use the Office of President of the U.S.A. to recognize Saudi Arabia as our Superior. Obama is the steward, he isn’t always going to be President, he is supposed to be taking care of the Office of The President of the U.S.A. The same people who elected Obama, have no idea how the Executive Branch Works, What it’s limits of Power are ect…so NO this isn’t Okay it shows he is GREEN & they are making mistakes left and right on their goodwill/apology tour. There is an office of Protocol and Etiquette at the White House I guess that department hasn’t been filled either. What Amateurs!


  6. Excerpt: So, don’t be surprised if Mrs. Obama does not curtsy to the Queen. Also don’t be surprised if she gets jumped all over for it – but she’ll be doing – or not doing – exactly what she’s supposed to. “They Are Equals” We fought a war we one she isn’t our monarch anymore….So NO Michelle Obama shouldn’t curtsy bow or abase herself to another head of state. They are not just representing themselves in their roles as President of the U.S. and First Lady.

    Indeed. And President Obama shouldn’t have bowed to the Saudi monarch, either. No American President should ever make such an obsequious display to any monarch — ever.

    Actually it was a very bad breach of protocol for a head of state and especially bad for the Leader of the Free World.


  7. WOW


    Monday, April 6, 2009
    When Will The Europeans Apologize To Us?
    Barack Obama is on his apology tour of Europe. There is hardly anyone to whom he hasn’t apologized for American arrogance and mistakes. One thing Obama hasn’t managed to do is ask the Europeans to apologize to us for:

    * Two World Wars which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, who had to liberate Europe from itself.
    * Colonialism in the Middle East which resulted in absurd and artificially drawn state borders, leading to generations of ethnic/religious conflicts which we had have to deal with in places such as Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Israel.
    * Colonialism in Africa which resulted in absurd and artificially drawn state borders, leading to generations of ethnic/tribal conflicts which we have had to deal with throughout Saharan and sub-Saharan Africa.
    * Colonialism in Southwest Asia which resulted in absurd and artificially drawn borders, leading to generations of ethnic and religious conflicts which we have had to deal with in places such as Pakistan and Afghanistan.
    * Colonialism in Southeast Asia, which we have had to deal with in places such as Vietnam.
    * Refusal to defend themselves from communist aggression (with a small number of exceptions) putting the burden on us to station tens of thousands of troops in Europe for several decades, at a cost in the hundreds of billions of dollars.
    * Undermining our position in the world at every opportunity (France) just for sport.

    And we could go on and on. The history of the last 100 years is the history of the United States having to clean up Europe’s mess and to deal with Europe’s ego. So if there are to be apologies, they should travel from East to West, not the other way around.
    Question: How many Europeans have died defending us?


  8. bellalu0

    And France agrees to accept ONE Gitmo prisoner. After all that groveling, that’s what he gets?!?


  9. Bella

    Did you see this I added the video from Fox.


    Al Sharpton and Acorn call for Sheriff Joe Arpaio to resign


  10. bellalu0

    He and the Acorn spokeswoman were just on Lou Dobbs, blabbering away. Calling for Sheriff Arpaio to resign. The very idea.


  11. Bella

    Remember Al Sharpton took a sound bite and MADE Imus a racist…never mind that Imus had been on the radio for how long but all of a sudden April 7th he is a racist? Now Joe Arpaio who has been CONSISTENTLY holding up the LAW in Arizona, is now declared a racist because Al Sharpton says so… Who is Al Sharpton to decide that an ELECTED Sheriff has to resign, and the ACORN thugs, they think they have credibility?


  12. bellalu0

    The Acorn thugs have clout now, they think, since barack obama said they would “help him shape the agenda.”

    I think they overplayed the race card and it has absolutely no impact any more. They look silly.


  13. Bella

    Take a Look at Cinie’s take on the Troop visit by Obama kind of reminds me of how they would build crowds for him on the campaign trail by having live free popular bands playing. Great way to get kids to attend. Turns out they wanted 1,500 and got 600 to attend Obama’s visit not surprising.



  14. Bella

    From Cinie’s post comments section this was scrubbed from the Washington Post.

    So, was it really a surprise that only 600 troops managed to make it to the dog and pony show yesterday?
    The WSJ reported:

    Army officers had intended to have at least 1,500 troops from Camp Victory and nearby Camp Liberty, but the secret trip happened faster than expected, beating most of the troops by a couple of hours.

    Only 600 made it.

    This point has since been scrubbed from the WSJ article.

    Don’t expect the mainstream media to report this.
    They got their photo-op. That’s what’s important.

    Got this email from a sergeant who was there.

    “We were pre-screened, asked by officials “Who voted for Obama?”, and then those who raised their hands were shuffled to the front of the receiving line. They even handed out digital cameras and asked them to hold them up.”

    Take a look at the picture at AP and notice all the cameras are the same models? Coincidence? I think not.

    You definitely won’t be reading that in the Obamedia reports.”


  15. bellalu0

    Ree, that is not surprising to me. And it is almost criminal the way the MSM just keeps covering for him. I thought it was obscene the way he just dropped by to visit the troops on his way home from dissing the United States of America all over the world. Just an afterthought and I am sure somebody told him he better try to do something to distract, if possible, his disgraceful performance.


  16. djcnor

    Obama’s disgraceful performance? Ha! He singlehandedly in one visit nearly counteracted all the negative opinions built up while Bush was the Pres, partly because he was willing to recognize, as any really good citizen does, that there are ways in which the US would do well to learn from other countries.


  17. bellalu0

    Uh-huh. I repeat his performance overseas was disgraceful. If he wants to learn something from another country he can do that without bowing down to a Saudi king. It has taken me a few days to get really outraged over his performance.

    Does he think he is in some kind of counseling session? Embarrassing!


  18. bellalu0

    You know what, I am sure they are laughing at him behind his back.


  19. djcnor

    None such. Therre wasn’t a word wasted on the bow on this side of the ocean. (I’m in the UK.) I could be cruel and remind you who they DID laugh at behind his back.


  20. bellalu0

    That’s good.


  21. Anonymous

    Fuck IT…he’s So Fucking Asshole…God demn Balck


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