Category Archives: life

Living in Wonderland

Let’s see, it must be a nightmare!

We’ve got the economy down the tubes, no jobs, homes foreclosed, record number on food stamps, the Attorney General running guns with the drug cartel, half a billion dollars lost to Solyndra and $5 billion more out the door to other losers and the president yawns and says hindsight is 20/20, the president ordering an American killed without due process while running around the country yelling pass this bill when his own majority leader won’t bring it up for a vote, left-wing Obama supporting slugs in the streets stopping traffic requiring overtime for law enforcement…..

And the democrats and their mouth, the media, are worried about a word on a rock painted over some 30 years ago and Hank Williams, Jr. using the word Hitler in the same sentence as our illustrious president after the tea party has been called everything from sons of bitches to terrorists, and dear god, most of all will Chris Christie run for president as masses of reporters gather?

Somebody has got to be kidding.

Posted:  10.04.11 @ 12:50 p.m.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Financial Crisis, law and order, life, Media, President Barack Obama, Uncategorized

We want our country back! Yes we do!

Okay.  I heard someone say again today that he had NEVER heard  “Take our country back” until now as if the words were coined by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement, and coined especially as some code words from some “darker side” to heap persecution upon our poor Obama (you know, the same Obama who rode in on a white horse or more like a white unicorn with the complete support and assistance of media, with almost no experience and even less vetting,  with great ease and, yes, the support of the majority of the American people seeing as how he was elected.)

Well, I know I have heard those words before, so in just a few short minutes I came up with numerous times the words were used before Obama even came on the national scene.  There are many, many more, but the links below will provide a little perspective.  So as to quote the famous well-loved phrase, last heard from the mouth of MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell “you are not entitled to your own facts.” howard dean Arianna Huffington’

And my favorites below:

“My name is Maxine Waters.  You are the true patriots and you have come to take your country…..”

So, yes, we want our country back, we sure do.

Posted:  09.29.10

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Filed under Barack Obama, Financial Crisis, health care, Human Interest, life, Media, patriotism, politics, President Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized