Daily Archives: March 27, 2012

“They killed my son” says Trayvon’s mother

Trayvon’s mother says:

They killed my son, and now they are trying to kill his reputation” as more and more unflattering facts (or rumors, who knows) come out about her son.

Who is the they she is talking about, I wonder?  “They” have not killed anybody.

Trayvon’s parents seek to trademark  “I am Trayvon” and “Justice for Trayvon.”

Democrat and black John Conyers is holding a hearing on Florida’s stand your ground law, which is none of his business but takes this whole sorry affair to congress.

The corrupt mainstream media reporters and commentators figuratively wearing hoodies as they propel a false narrative of this case in rapid fire.

To me this is all a display of racial hatred coming from black people, and the democrats, left wing, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the media who are all so prejudiced and seemingly unable to be objective are all joining in to form a vigilante atmosphere against a United States citizen who has consitutional rights of innocent until proven guilty.  (I guess he’s a citizen because although he is now the embodiment of “the evil white man” he really is hispanic, or a “white hispanic”, a term invented by the media because they wouldn’t want to drop the main emphasis of their story and agenda.)  What we have is a bunch of rumors which are continually changing.  And we have a president who helped to spiral it out of control by throwing a log on the fire Friday and then leaving the country.

Remember how it ratcheted up when the president answered this racially charged question by saying “if I had a son…..”, a question posed by a NBC reporter, Mike Viquiera, which I am convinced was set up to do just exactly what it did.:

It was NBC’s Mike Viquiera who asked. “Mr. President, may I ask you about this current case in Florida, very controversial, allegations of lingering racism within our society — the so-called do not —  I’m sorry —  Stand Your Ground law and the justice in that? Can you comment on the Trayvon Martin case, sir?”

And absolutely none of this pitiful display would be possible if not for the CORRUPT MAINSTREAM MEDIA.

Posted:  03.27.12 @ 1:12 p.m.

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