
“I had no contact with the governor or his office so we were — I was not aware of what was happening. As I said it’s a sad day for Illinois. Beyond that I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to comment.”  Obama

When Obama said yesterday that he had “no contact” with Blagojevich, I’m sure he didn’t  really mean no contact to include shaking hands, that type of thing.  This picture is from last week’s governors conference.


“I want money,” says  Blagojevich  🙂

Posted:  12.10.08


Filed under Barack Obama, crime, politics, President Elect Barack Obama, Uncategorized

16 responses to “Blagobama?

  1. I can’t believe it and Obama, hasn’t even been sworn in yet. My daughter asked me, can you impeach a president elect….I am trying to think of Movie titles..It Came from Chicago. The Ill Wind from The Windy City, Blows Down the People’s House 😉


  2. It doesn’t matter. America has voted and BDS got Obama into office. He could light kittens on fire on live television and the press would still give him a pass. The people hate Bush so much that they will vote anyone in from the opposing party. And sadly, that’s exactly what they did. 😦


  3. Bella,

    Camille Paglia on Dick Cavett Article “the wordsmith of wasilla” Imus interviewed Dick Cavett on this latest article.


  4. Ginger

    Ree, how about “The Twlight Zone”?That’s what it feels like I’m living in.

    Obama is obviously lying again. “uh, uh, I didn’t know”..just like he didn’t know about his Rev. Wright, Rezko, his brother in Kenya, his auntie living here illegally and in poverty, and now about Governor “Blogo”….and let’s not forget that he doesn’t know where his original birth certificate is.

    I wonder how long the press will excuse Obama. He’s not even sworn in yet, and shadows are surrounding him ( as if they didn’t all along!). It will take a lot , and I mean a lot, to bring this little “darling” down.

    The new administration is starting to look more and more like the seedy, underbelly of society, and by gosh, they will be leading the way!

    The Supreme Court , itself, won’t even rock B.O.’s boat.

    B.O. — How appropriate!

    Remember the character B.O. Plenty?
    Well, if the shoe fits…


  5. bellalu0

    Well, if he can make up an “Office of the President-elect” I would think we could impeach a President-elect. lol.

    But it is true, we could have a video of BHO slashing someone to death and still he would be untouchable and protected by the press. Wasn’t it Chicago that had the Untouchables and Eliot Ness? I still can’t believe that we have elected a president birthed in that political environment. Talk about pay for play. Don’t you think he owes big debts?


  6. bellalu0

    Now he saying the governor should resign. Have you noticed how it takes Obama about three statements and changes before he gets anything right? His first response is always weak and wimpy.


  7. Bella,

    Obama stated, he thinks Blagojevich should resign? The Obama Bus still running over the politically inexpedient-political associations 🙂 I have lost count of the folks that Obama has turned into speed bumps!


  8. Ginger

    If we are attacked, is it going to take him the rest of his administration time to mull over it and decide what to do about it?’ uh, uh, now, let’s give this some serious thought first.”..okay, too late, we’re all dead.


  9. Ginger

    Ree, I’m looking forward to the day when O’s rear-end is thrown under the bus, and that day will come, but it will be a long wait…unless we all get a lucky break..yes, I say “impeach the president-elect!”


  10. bellalu0

    Well, Nora just called Fitzpatrick the new Eliot Ness.

    I guess Obama wants Blago to resign before the trail gets to him. Because you KNOW he has talked to him about this, otherwise, how would he know that he wanted Candidate 1 and who Candidate 1 is. I think it is Valerie Jarrett. Jesse, Jr. is 5, so they say.


  11. bellalu0

    Jess, Jr.:

    “It is impossible for someone on my behalf to have a conversation that would suggest any type of quid pro quo or any payments or offers,” Jackson Jr. told ABC News. “An impossiblity to an absolute certainty.”

    Now, I am going to have to remember that one — an impossibility to an absolute certainty. Protesting too much? lol


  12. Ginger,

    I was among the many who was so happy he didn’t fill his cabinet, and political positions with the radical left types , that seem to orbit him. BUT I have NEVER forgotten where he came out of “Chicago” best example Tony Rezko, his effect is the “unknowable” for Obama . All Obama can do when this stuff comes up, like Blagojevich behavior -shameless, is try and knock them down. “Chicago Political Machine” how many, and at what rate, will these keep coming out? We went through Clinton fatigue. It is Dec 10th he hasn’t been sworn in yet Jan 20th. I suspect we all are going to be in the middle of Obama fatigue, sooner then later. If he spends all his time dealing with “Chicago Issues” like Bill Clinton had to with Monica et al…when will Obama be leading the Country? A country that is fighting two wars…and under constant threat of terrorist attacks. I get that Obama is a hyper ambitious Pol., the problem is he is GREEN. Barack Obama is the Face turned out toward us, it is Chicago the Political Power Base, that is well known for corruption that is behind Barack Obama. A person would have to be pretty naive to think this is going to turn out anything but scandal after scandal. I was commenting to J.B., on Rattler Gator, at least we won’t be bored for the next 4 years but we will grow weary. If Blagojevich is the example, it will be dumb greedy, political ambition and opportunism….After awhile the whole country will grow numb to it.

    Jefferson “People get the Government they deserve” Me “Don’t blame me, I voted for Palin”


  13. Ginger

    Ree, even though people he has picked for his cabinent appear or maybe are centrist, and outwardly calms fears, still, I can’t shake this feeling that it’s an illusion.

    I’ve been hearing that Green is the new Red, if you get my drift.


  14. Ginger,

    If they are this incompetent when they have the Power, I am not sure in fighting will keep them from rehabing the Rebulic in the image of what? Even Stalin didn’t give people free houses?

    More about, Obama: I did not have contact with that man! LOL Am I the only one who sees the ghost of Bill Clinton?


  15. rehabbing the republic


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