Category Archives: Sarah Palin

MSNBC gives us the more smarter Meghan McCain

MSNBC contributor Meghan McCain was asked Thursday to compare Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachmann to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin during an appearance on the network.

“What does she have that Sarah Palin doesn’t, didn’t?” asked Richard Wolffe, a fellow contributor.

“I think she’s… this is going to get me in trouble, but I actually think she’s just more smarter,” explained McCain.

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Oh, thank you, God, that we have someone like Meghan McCain to explain these things to us.  

Resist we much.

Posted:  12.02.11 @ 5:36 a.m.

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Filed under Media, Sarah Palin

Emails show Sarah Palin to be idealistic, conscientious, humorous and humane woman

With Anthony Weiner looming as the Face of the American Left, the one they hate the most is coming out smelling like a rose.

The trove of more than 13,000 emails detailing almost every aspect of Sarah Palin’s governorship of Alaska, released late on Friday, paints a picture of her as an idealistic, conscientious, humorous and humane woman slightly bemused by the world of politics.

One can only assume that the Left-leaning editors who dispatched teamsofreporters to remote Juneau, the Alaskan capital, to pore over the emails in the hope of digging up a scandal are now viewing the result as a rather poor return on their considerable investment.

If anything, Mrs Palin seems likely to emerge from the scrutiny of the 24,000 pages, contained in six boxes and weighing 275 pounds, with her reputation considerably enhanced. As a blogger at Powerline noted, the whole saga might come to be viewed as “an embarrassment for legacy media”.


The email release could mark the end of a chapter of what conservatives have termed “Palin Derangement Syndrome”. Her enemies in the media appear to have overplayed their hand.

Isn’t it funny all the manpower and money they have invested to conduct this witch hunt, while the Real scandal was a little closer to their doorstep – right there in the House of Representatives where one of their own heroes was running an incredible internet predator operation right under their very noses.

Again, this is the American Liberal.  Corrupt hypocrits trying to run our lives when they can’t even meet the barest minimum standard of decency.

This is the kind of pictures regular normal people take of themselves…..

Actually, reading this article brought tears to my eyes,  as Sarah Palin is me, my family, my friends, my neighbors and co-workers and those who have the basic American heart that has made the country great, those who in their daily lives strive to raise their children to be good human beings, who demand truth and honesty from them, and who have the strength of character that is going to keep this country great no matter how some strive to destroy it.  Sarah Palin represents the Spirit of America that cannot be extinguished, but only gets stronger when threatened as it is today.

Posted:  07.12.11 @ 5:37 p.m.


Filed under Media, politics, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized